Any style of yoga helps tone, lengthen, and strengthen the muscles, which can contribute to the sculpting of the body, but not necessarily to weight loss. Remember that muscle is, after all, denser and
therefore heavier than an equivalent volume of fat tissue. Some of beneficial Yoga poses for weight loss are given below.
Benefits of Yoga
therefore heavier than an equivalent volume of fat tissue. Some of beneficial Yoga poses for weight loss are given below.
- Leg rotation pose: The leg rotation pose is another form of yoga pose that has often been proven to be very effective for many practitioners.
- Warrior I Pose: This yoga pose can work your abs, thighs and arms, and is most effective if used as part of a sequence like Sun Salutation.
- Leg cycling pose: The leg cycling pose is a very effective yoga exercise for weight loss.
- Wind-Releasing Pose: This fat-burning yoga pose is great for targeting your abdominal area.
- Cobra Pose: Even beginners can get good results from this simple yoga pose, which works to firm the buttocks and tone the abs.
- Bow Pose: This advanced yoga pose can really burn fat while toning your arms, legs and abdominal area.
- Side-Stretch Pose: This yoga pose can help raise your heart-rate and burn calories.
- According to Yoga, it’s not about reducing weight. It’s about breaking that tendency to gain weight. And in order to do that, one needs a new lifestyle altogether. Yoga and can help you achieve that. If you are looking yoga for weight loss then it is to be done in right way and on regular basis with proper diet plan.
Benefits of Yoga
- Yoga can give you the energy and enthusiasm to create your weight loss plan and more importantly the inner strength required to stick to the plan.
- Yoga can support your weight loss goals by giving a healthy direction to your life energy. Yoga postures help balance your body.
- Some yoga poses, when performed correctly, massage the endocrine glands and the digestive system which improves digestion.
- Regular yoga practice can give you a valuable and unshakeable body consciousness that would help you eat less and the right kind of food.
- Yoga’s stretching and breathing exercises improve your flexibility, helping joints, tendons, and muscles stay limber.
- People suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis will see a noticeable improvement in their stiffness, pain, and other arthritic symptoms by practicing yoga poses and postures.
- Hatha yoga (physical exercises) can relieve chronic back and neck pain, since the poses and postures gently stretch and strengthen your back and neck muscles.
- Yoga helps to heal various injuries, including repetitive strain injuries, knee and back injuries, pulled hamstrings, even minor skin burns.
- Through yoga, we can counteract this by creating a safe, positive environment to reconnect with our bodies and quiet the counterproductive messages that often arise in our minds.
- Reengaging in physical activity through asana practice can also foster a renewed sense of control over our lives, a quality that sometimes diminishes as one’s weight refuses to budge.
- The most obvious physical benefits of yoga practice include loosening of muscles that have been tightened by inactivity, tension, and stress. asana practice also increases the range of motion of joints, enhances flexibility, and can help correct postural problems that may have resulted from weight gain.