Friday, 31 May 2013

Easy Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Any style of yoga helps tone, lengthen, and strengthen the muscles, which can contribute to the sculpting of the body, but not necessarily to weight loss. Remember that muscle is, after all, denser and
therefore heavier than an equivalent volume of fat tissue. Some of beneficial Yoga poses for weight loss are given below.

  • Leg rotation pose: The leg rotation pose is another form of yoga pose that has often been proven to be very effective for many practitioners.
  • Warrior I Pose: This yoga pose can work your abs, thighs and arms, and is most effective if used as part of a sequence like Sun Salutation.
  • Leg cycling pose: The leg cycling pose is a very effective yoga exercise for weight loss.
  • Wind-Releasing Pose: This fat-burning yoga pose is great for targeting your abdominal area.
  • Cobra Pose: Even beginners can get good results from this simple yoga pose, which works to firm the buttocks and tone the abs.
  • Bow Pose: This advanced yoga pose can really burn fat while toning your arms, legs and abdominal area.
  • Side-Stretch Pose: This yoga pose can help raise your heart-rate and burn calories.
  • According to Yoga, it’s not about reducing weight. It’s about breaking that tendency to gain weight. And in order to do that, one needs a new lifestyle altogether. Yoga and can help you achieve that. If you are looking yoga for weight loss then it is to be done in right way and on regular basis with proper diet plan.

Benefits of Yoga

  • Yoga can give you the energy and enthusiasm to create your weight loss plan and more importantly the inner strength required to stick to the plan.
  • Yoga can support your weight loss goals by giving a healthy direction to your life energy. Yoga postures help balance your body.
  • Some yoga poses, when performed correctly, massage the endocrine glands and the digestive system which improves digestion.
  • Regular yoga practice can give you a valuable and unshakeable body consciousness that would help you eat less and the right kind of food.
  • Yoga’s stretching and breathing exercises improve your flexibility, helping joints, tendons, and muscles stay limber.
  • People suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis will see a noticeable improvement in their stiffness, pain, and other arthritic symptoms by practicing yoga poses and postures.
  • Hatha yoga (physical exercises) can relieve chronic back and neck pain, since the poses and postures gently stretch and strengthen your back and neck muscles.
  • Yoga helps to heal various injuries, including repetitive strain injuries, knee and back injuries, pulled hamstrings, even minor skin burns.
  • Through yoga, we can counteract this by creating a safe, positive environment to reconnect with our bodies and quiet the counterproductive messages that often arise in our minds.
  •  Reengaging in physical activity through asana practice can also foster a renewed sense of control over our lives, a quality that sometimes diminishes as one’s weight refuses to budge.
  • The most obvious physical benefits of yoga practice include loosening of muscles that have been tightened by inactivity, tension, and stress. asana practice also increases the range of motion of joints, enhances flexibility, and can help correct postural problems that may have resulted from weight gain.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

How To Maintain Smooth Skin

All woman want beautiful soft and smooth skin. Smooth skin can be obtained without the use of soap and harsh cleansing. It can be a actual challenge too keeps the skin smooth and soft all year. In the
summer, your skin can be subject to sunburn and peeling. Here are some useful and easy tips to maintain smooth skin.

1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Avoid scrubbing too hard or using rough washcloths. These may infuriate your skin and reason blemishes to stay on your face longer.

2. Don’t use products which contain harsh and strong chemicals. Instead go for products of natural formulation and containing plenty of vitamins and minerals which are needed by your body and by your skin.

3. Blend turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. It removes the tan and helps to reduce the facial hair. Scrub it off with a good face scrub and then wash with cold water. You can also keep it overnight.

4. Drinking less water is the main culprit in the fight against aging. You should drink water enough and try to maintain 8 glasses of water per day. Drinking water enough is the great secret help you keep your skin smooth.

5. If your acne is moderate you can find lotion products containing benzoyl peroxide that you apply evenly over your face, usually at nighttime.

6. Regular eat fruit and vegetables. It helps make your skin fresh and clean all the time because of vitamins and minerals present in fruits and vegetables.

7. Dried orange peels mixed with curds help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash it off after 15 minutes with cold water and rubbing ice cubes on the face tightens the pores and increases blood circulation.

8. Mix oatmeal along with curds and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps to remove the tan and lightens the skin.

9. Mash the bananas along with milk and then apply on your face. Wash it off after 20 minutes. This makes the skin smooth and supple.

10. Use a body lotion and face cream just after a shower when the skin is moist. This is the best to apply a moisturizer because your skin pores are open after a wash and are most likely to absorb and accept this nourishment.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The Role of Diet in Healthy Skin Complexion

If you want to achieve a healthy glow, radiant skin starts from within. For beautiful skin, you can make healthy lifestyle choices and eat nutritious foods that are packed with skin-boosting vitamins and
nutrients. Following a healthy diet for healthy skin will not only give your complexion a boost, but also will help keep you feeling and looking good for years to come.

Some Words About Skin:
Skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system. It is the first line of defense of your body. A healthy skin can be determined by its surface texture, color, hydration, sebum content. Your skin gets thirsty too, quench its thirst and keep it hydrated. A hydrated skin can guarantee a soft and smooth texture which is healthy. The sebum (or commonly, oil) secreted by the skin itself, forms a layer that keeps the water from evaporating aiding again in its hydration.

Skin Types:
A skin can be normal to dry or oily. Oily skin results from overactive sebaceous glands in skin. Apart from the conditions like acne breakouts, blackheads and some clogged pores, Lucky are the folks with oily skin; less prone is their skin to aging and wrinkling, as the sebum keeps the moisture locked in.

A normal to dry skin is just as easy to go out with, with dry skin requiring a few moisturizing products to prevent any damage.

What to Eat:
  • Lean protein is necessary for skin cell repair and to help the skin age appropriately. Protein intake may also assist in acne control by decreasing the production of an enzyme that can cause increased oil production in the skin. On the best-choices list, fish ranks first because it also contains healthy essential fatty acids to soften skin, followed by egg whites, skinless chicken and turkey breast.
  • A deficiency of essential fatty acids can lead to many skin problems, including excessive dryness and acne. Inflammation leads to the production of free radicals, which causes all cells to age faster, including skin cells. Most people get plenty of the omega-6 fats, but not enough of the omega-3s. For the best sources of healthy fats, choose an unsaturated oil (olive, canola, peanut, walnut), soybeans, wheat germ, flaxseed, nuts (particularly walnuts and almonds) and fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, bluefish, tuna, lake trout).
  • Vitamin A is necessary for the maintenance and healing of epithelial tissue, and may also prevent sun damage. Vitamin A modulates the rate at which skin cells regenerate, leading to smoother skin. Psoriasis sufferers and those with excessively dry skin may find improved skin condition by adding foods such as dark leafy greens, eggs, low-fat milk, and orange colored fruits and vegetables such as winter squash, cantaloupe, and sweet potatoes.
  • The B-Vitamins are important for great skin. For example, a deficiency in B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin) can lead to certain types of undesirable skin pigmentations. Some research indicates that dermatitis can be aggravated by a B6 (pyridoxine) or a biotin deficiency. Whole grains are an important source of most of the B-vitamins.
  • Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of collagen, the supporting structure of your skin. Foods high in vitamin C include oranges, broccoli, strawberries, and bell peppers.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant which can help reduce cell damage caused by pollution and smoke. Foods high in vitamin E include nuts, seeds, wheat germ, egg yolks and leafy greens.
  • Two minerals aid in the health of your skin – selenium and zinc. Selenium may help reduce the risk of skin cancer and works closely with vitamin E to prevent free radicals that cause skin damage. Selenium is found in seafood, lean meats, whole grains, and some vegetables. Zinc is important for stabilizing cell membranes so they can resist the attack of free radicals and for the production and maintenance of collagen and elastin (to reduce wrinkling and sagging). A zinc deficiency may also contribute to the development of acne and a dull complexion. Foods high in zinc are shellfish (especially oysters), meat and poultry, legumes, and whole grain products.
  • Remember to drink plenty of water to keep skin moisture intact. Adequate amounts of fluids assists with flushing harmful toxins from the body that can affect skin health. Water is also very important in maintaining blood circulation so that nutrients can reach the cells.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Suitable Foods that Detox the Body

Raise your hand if you over-indulged this Christmas. We’re immediately with you. All the holiday ham, turkey, stuffing, casseroles, cookies and pies-not to say wine and cocktails-has left us feeling bloated
and sluggish. The good thing is that you can use the very thing that got you feeling that way-food-to detox the body. No silly starvation or juice-only diets needed. Listed here are ten of the best foods to cleanse your colon and vital organs, ramp up your digestive tract and remove toxins out of your body:

These dark red rooted veggies are chock-full of vitamins B3, B6, C and beta-carotene, iron, fiber, magnesium, zinc and calcium-all the required components for healthy detoxification and colon/digestive tract cleansing. Beets also support a healthy body of our gallbladder and liver-two organs which are important breaking down and removing toxins within our body.

This green veggie contains important phytochemicals which are released when they’re chewed, cooked and digested, which help in digestion and detoxification. If you would like the most detox bang for your buck, go for broccoli sprouts because they contain 20 times more sulfurophane than regular broccoli.

Then add to a glass of water very first thing in the morning and it will stimulate the discharge of enzymes that can cleanse the digestive tract, rid the body of poisons and cleanse the liver.

Everyone knows that virtually anything green will work for us, but seaweed, in particular, contains powerful antioxidants which help to alkalize the blood and strengthen this enzymatic tract.

Since fruit contains a lot water, it makes a perfectly natural cleansing food. Plus, they're easy to digest, high in antioxidants, nutrients and fiber-all things required for optimal detoxification of the intestines.

It might be strong, but with good reason. Garlic is really a powerful antiviral, antiseptic and antibiotic-all which help rid your body of toxins. You don't need to eat it raw-just toss some inside your food and you can reap the detox benefits.

There is little get your digestive tract moving like leafy greens. Veggies like kale, spinach and collard greens contain chlorophyll that will boost your digestive tract to eliminate toxins.

Green tea extract:
Not only is it soothing to a trapped wind, but green tea eliminates toxins and boost liver function using its antioxidants called catechins.

Omega-3 Foods:
Such things as avocado, olive oil and flaxseed oil can literally grease in the intestinal walls, making elimination easier.

Drink numerous of water throughout the day to aid in digestion and elimination.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Most Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid

With so much talk of well balanced meals and what you should be eating, the meals that are the worst for all of us can get overlooked. The reason it’s so difficult to avoid these kinds of food is since the
things that make them bad also make sure they are taste good. Fatty foods typically taste good, so sweet and salty ones, meaning a lot of the foods you love are most likely not the best things you might have.

Trans Fat
This is actually the most notorious of the unhealthy ingredients installed in foods, and has even led for any ban on them in Nyc. Avoiding it is tricky, no thanks partly to the FDA that allows food manufacturers to state there’s no trans fat in foods, even if there is. Since 2 grams is easily the most you should have in a day, allowing foods with 0.5 gram or less to themselves trans fat free is a real problem. You’re better off avoiding trans fat-containing foods completely.

Junk food
We all know we shouldn’t eat junk food because it’s bad for us, but area of the reason is because of all the trans fats along with other additives they use to make the food taste good. The issue is not just that there is trans fat within the foods, but that the serving sizes quickly multiply those contents and in a short time you have a week’s worth of trans fat in a single meal. A large french fry from McDonald’s supplies 4 day’s price of trans fat by itself.

Packaged Cookies
The beloved Girl Scout Cookies still sneak some trans fat in, despite a label saying “trans fat free”. You may be able to justify those simply because they only happen a few times each year, but check to see if your favorite commercially made cookies are made with partially hydrogenated cooking oils, chances are they'll are including Chips Ahoy and Keebler, even though some brands like Oreos now use “high oleic” oils instead to allow them to provide shelf-stable cookies at a reasonable cost.

Cake Frosting
The wedding cake itself might not have trans fat, but odds are if the frosting isn’t made from scratch it'll likely have trans fat in it. Duncan Hines Creamy Homestyle Chocolate frosting doesn’t cash “homestyle” about it. Chances are you wouldn’t be using partially hydrogenated oils inside your homemade frosting. One serving provides nearly a complete day’s worth of trans fat, so you’d had better be extra careful about the many other food you eat that day.

When you get your pancakes out of a box, you will possibly not even suspect they might contain trans fat since it starts off in powder form. Bisquick for instance has nearly 5g of trans fat in every cup. Makes you think twice about using pre-made mixes and merely take the extra minute approximately to come up with your own batch which means you know everything that’s in it.

Microwave Popcorn
The majority of the popular brands of microwave popcorn have trans fat of some kind in them. One of the biggest offenders is Pop Secret, which gives 5 grams of trans fat per serving. Seems like a lot since it more than doubles your everyday allowance. The big thing to remember is the fact that few of us stop at one serving of popcorn once we snuggle up to watch a film at home.

Frozen Meals
Many people buy frozen dinners for any quick and easy meal, or to help slim down. But many of them are laden with hydrogenated oils which means they contain trans fat in certain amount. In order to avoid these types of meals simply look into the label for both hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. Since you’ll probably be microwaving these meals, you’re also contributing to their unhealthiness, further destroying any nutrients they may contain, and processing the components even further.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Instant Ways To Loss Belly Fat Quickly

A common question is how successfully to eliminate stomach fat quickly. Who doesn’t want flat belly? Around 70% of USA and Europe adult human population is not happy with their weight and many of
them would like to lose belly fat altogether. It's been scientifically explained! High level cortisol within our body is one of the main culprits to achieve weight in our stomach area. Because of stress, cortisol secretion is increasing. The good thing is achieving belly fat is not as difficult as the majority of the people think. Here are 7 how to lose your stomach fat very quickly!

1. Sleep enough!
A minimum of 8 hours of sleep needed of the body to recover from daily stress load

2. Ignore alcohol
Alcohol is calorie. Drink a glass of vino with dinner and you will have the button of his jeans cuts inside your belly. Reduce the alcohol to some bare minimum to have a strong stomach along with a beautiful flat belly.

3. Avoid Soda
Rather than soda, drink more water, green tea extract and fruit juices without sugar substitutes.
You will feel more comfortable as well as your stomach will be swollen.

4. Eliminate fast food and sugar
Carbs hold water which your belly swells. It’s simple to eat 1,000 grams or even more carbohydrates weekend; just a pizza, several drinks and dessert, than the others carbs can easily lift a pointer around the scales of up to 2 kg on Monday.

5. Drink much water with lemon
Quitting sparkling, opt for plain or standard water with some lemon in it. Lemon helps digestion and it is a natural diuretic, so earning excess water in the body.

6. Vitamin C
When you’re under stress, cortisol secretion is incredibly high Vitamin C helps balance the cortisol levels within your body

7. Doing bearing exercises
Exercises like crunches and all sorts of other related abdominal muscles are the best effective way of getting flat tummy and shaping the so-called 6 “tiles”.

8. No supplements and weight reducers
You don’t need to spend money on expensive supplements and weight reducers. You must use the natural power food and sports to offer the desired flat stomach

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Belly Fat Diet Plan for Everyone

When you are obese and overweight, the most important thing on your mind is to lose your belly fat as that is what confronts you everyday in the morning. You try so many weight loss programs only to lose that fat which is constantly visible to your eyes and you are determined to lose it. You can try
diets, workouts and sometimes even starvation and appetite control. But your belly fat is the most stubborn of all the other fat deposited areas. Everyone knows that among the numerous risks of generating fat in the body, heart diseases are the most fatal. Belly fat increases this risk to a considerable extent. Hence, take a look at a very effective belly fat diet plan mentioned in the following paragraphs to help you lose belly fat.

About the Diet Plan
Many times, when you take up a diet plan for weight loss, you might realize that it's not helping you in the desired manner. You might end up suffering from other disorders like low hemoglobin levels and weakness because of the diet. One thing for all those who take up these weight loss diets is that being overweight does not mean you have extra energy in you which you need to shed off. It is the extra deposited fat in your blood which makes you even more weak, as there is too much metabolism taking place in your body and the energy is not being used sufficiently. Mentioned below is a simple diet plan to reduce belly fat which will surely help you reduce quite an amount of belly fat. It will also give you enough energy to work out, so take a look!

Diet Plan to Lose Belly Fat
The tabular version mentioned below is the explanation of when and what you can eat in your diet plan to reduce your belly fat. You can follow this routine or plan for about two to four weeks with the proper amount of exercise. Before you take up this diet plan, make sure you consult your dietitian and check if it's alright for you to practice it. When you are on this diet plan, make a variety of food recipes which are healthy and which have some of the mentioned below ingredients in them. These ingredients are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and hence, you should include them in at least one meal of the day:

  • Flaxseed and Walnuts: Omega 3 essential fatty acids are present in variable amounts in both flaxseed and walnuts.
  • Macadamia Nut: It is very high in fiber content which can provide you with energy.
  • Peanut Butter: The nutrients present in this are magnesium, B complex vitamins, vitamin E and potassium.
  • Avocado: It has a good amount of beta-sitosterol.
  • Olive Oil: Almost all MUFAs and antioxidants are present in olive oil.
  • Sunflower Seed: Fairly good amounts of vitamin B and E are present in these.
  • Almonds: Protein, fiber and vitamin E are found in these.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Natural Juices to Lose Weight

The juice diet has helped many people shed pounds after the holidays, and it's a great way to meet your weight goals and stick to your New Year's resolutions. Here are the steps you can take to lose weight on the juice diet.

Fruit Juices for Losing Weight

1. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is renowned for its fat emulsifying properties. The fruit being rich in vitamin C and citric acid helps in burning fats. The best way to achieve quick results is to drink a glass of warm lemon juice early in the morning. Squeeze out half a lemon and mix the juice in a cup of warm water. Drink this on empty stomach after getting up from your bed.

2. Acai Berry Juice
The acai berry diet is popular in the U.S., since it shows promising effects on your body for reducing weight. Fresh juice from acai berry is rich in proteins, vitamin B, antioxidants and fibers. All these components are necessary to impose a check in putting weight. Make sure that you do not add sugar to the drink and consume it within a few hours of preparation.

3. Orange Juice
One of the richest source of vitamin C is orange. You can have a glass of orange juice everyday in the afternoon to get maximum benefits. Orange juice also improves your metabolism, thereby accentuating digestion of foods. It's also rich in dietary fibers and vitamin A, which are essential for normal functioning of your body. Have fresh orange juice everyday to notice a difference in your weight within a couple of weeks.

4. Watermelon Juice
Watermelon is probably one of the best fruit juices for losing weight. The red pulp is full of water (92%) and the juice is utterly tasty. It's devoid of fats and cholesterol, and the fruit has the ability to suffice your daily requirement of water. The nutrient makeup of watermelon include vitamin B6, vitamin A and vitamin C. You can replace a meal with watermelon juice for losing weight quickly.

5. Kiwi Juice
Kiwi fruit is laden with fibers that keep your system full for a long time, as a result of which you tend to feel less hungry. You should never add sugar to mellow down the tart taste if you are on a weight loss diet. Instead, you can blend it with grapefruits, apples or mix a few drops of ginger juice. The fruit juice being high in calcium is recommended for controlling gain in weight.

Monday, 20 May 2013

How to Improve a Pregnant Woman's Diet

Contrary to what many people may believe, eating healthy when pregnant can be a difficult task. At a time when cravings and food aversions abound, pregnant women often follow their taste buds instead of their logic when it comes to eating. However, providing the baby with adequate nutrition is a crucial part of a
healthy pregnancy. What's a pregnant woman to do? Luckily, there are some simple things that can be done to easily improve a pregnant woman's diet.

1.Start keeping track of the food being consumed. Look at the overall caloric intake, but also the nutritional content. Things like calories, protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber, fat, and sugar should be examined.

2. Get information on recommended nutritional guidelines during pregnancy. 

3. Compare the diet of pregnant woman to the recommended nutritional guidelines for pregnant women.

4. Figure out the biggest problem area. Is she eating too much food? Not enough? Getting too much fat or not enough calcium? Tackling the biggest issue first will make the greatest impact.

5. Find acceptable alternatives to the unhealthy foods she craves. For example, if she is craving a chocolate candy bar, see if a glass of low-fat chocolate milk may satisfy her cravings instead.

6. Try replacing high-calorie drinks with water or milk. The water will keep her hydrated and eliminate unnecessary calories, while the milk will provide a good source of calcium and protein.

7. Make up baggies of snack food she can take with her on the go. Being able to munch on healthy food all day long will not only keep her feeling full, but may help with morning sickness as well.

8. Find a variety of healthy food she enjoys and keep them easily accessible for her. Sometimes it's easier to eat unhealthy foods because of the convenience factor, so make sure that it not going to happen with her.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Brain Foods for a Healthy Mind

The question of how food affects our body is well established and it does not need any elaborate explanation. With the rise of mental health cases in western countries along with the huge costs of treatment, experts have begun to ponder on the effect of food on brain function.

How the Food We Eat Affects Our Brain

A look at the composition of brain will tell us a lot about how food can affect it. The brain has dry matter, 60 % of which is fat. One-third of this is essentially what is known as fatty acids. The fatty acids are so called because the body cannot synthesize them and thus, they need to be obtained from the food we eat. DHA is an essential fatty acid as it is the main component of nerve cell membranes of the brain. Hence, it is very important that the food we eat has this nutrient or substances that result into its formation.

Moreover, studies have revealed that antioxidants reduce the process of brain damage through inflammation and oxidation. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. French researchers have linked intake of flavonoid-rich food to prevention of cognitive decline. Flavonoids have been termed super nutrients that are found in onions, endives, aubergines, lettuces, berries, red peppers and citrus fruits.

Foods that have Positive Effect on Brain and Mental Health
  • Oily fish like salmon, sardines, herring, tuna and others have omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as DHA. The latter comprises of 8% of brain’s dry matter. This is why it is considered one of the best foods for brain.
  • Fruits that are rich in antioxidants play a vital role in protecting the brain tissue from oxidation. Green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals have contain the vitamin folate, whole grain products have many types of vitamin B, antioxidant vitamins like C and E are found in many fruits and vegetables.
  • Flax seeds—Flax seeds have a lot of ALA. It is one of the fatty acids that help the cerebral cortex to function better. This is that part of the brain which processes sensory inputs. Keeping it sharp is most important.
  • Cocoa – It is another flavonoid-rich food, but should not be confused with chocolate that contains a lot of harmful sugar and fats. Only 100% organic cocoa in the form of powder or dark chocolate bars with at least 75% cocoa content is useful for your brain.
  • Nuts and seeds have minerals like zinc magnesium (also found in several green leafy vegetables), and iron. These minerals stimulate certain neurotransmitters of your brain. You can have them as snack in the morning or evening.
  • Studies have suggested that having green tea or other herbal teas can aid in improvement of your memory. Green tea has an antioxidant called catechin which is anti-cancerous. The free radicals that cause damage to the brain due to oxidation can be prevented by having it in moderation.
  • Avocados have healthy fat content that promotes blood flow and the mind functions at its peak. It has also been shown to reduce blood pressure

Friday, 17 May 2013

Effects of Alcohol During Pregnancy

Pregnancy, needless to say, is a time whenever a mother has to take utmost care ensuring a healthy body for herself and her developing fetus. As such, she should avoid and away from smoking, drug abuse, and drinking entirely, as indulging in these mentioned activities during the first and last trimester may cause
irreparable damage to the baby. Therefore, before consuming alcohol, it's best if you understand that a glass of vino, beer, or cocktail that you simply drink is transferred to the unborn baby in your womb as well. Thus, don't let yourself be misguided by the myth that any solid or liquid that you simply consume would not affect the baby. Actually, whatever you eat or drink during pregnancy directly travels in to the placenta through your bloodstream. In the following lines, we've provided detailed study from the link between alcohol and pregnancy.

Side effects Of Alcohol During Pregnancy

  • First of all, alcohol interferes with the unborn child’s capability to get sufficient oxygen and nourishment, essential for its normal cell rise in the brain and other body organs.
  • Researches indicate that the developing fetus has less tolerance levels for alcohol. Thus, the infant may end up having higher amounts of blood alcohol than the mother. As a result, infants born to alcoholic mothers often develop serious problems.
  • A parent consuming excessive amounts of alcohol while pregnant is likely to give birth to some baby with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), wherein the infant can suffer from certain physical and mental defects, growth retardation, behavioral problems, and facial and heart defects, throughout his entire lifetime.
  • Babies with FAS will also be likely to have abnormally small heads and brains, and heart, spine, along with other anatomical defects.
  • Increased inclination towards ear infections, brain damage resulting in mental retardation, low birth weight, and difficulty in coordination, are a few other deforming conditions that can be caused because of heavy alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
  • For any mother who cannot survive without alcohol, just ask her to ponder concerning the health and safety of the baby. This, sure, could be sufficient to give enough strength to her to prevent it. Remember, even little alcohol may cause permanent damage to your unborn baby. Hence, stay from beers, wines, hard liquors, and wine coolers.
  • If you would like your baby to be born smart and intelligent, avoid alcohol due to the fact doing so will increase the IQ degree of your child. Medical research indicates that an excessive amount of alcohol exposure to the fetus can shrink the mind and affect the baby’s mental health. As a result, these babies can are afflicted by poor concentration and loss of memory during their life span.
  • Excessive use of alcohol (2-4 drinks per week) can boost the chances of miscarriages, premature deliveries, and stillbirths.
  • Even moderate drinking continues to be linked with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), creating a wide range of disorders that are prone to occur in babies and children subjected to alcohol during pregnancy. These disorders include physical, mental, behavioral, and learning disabilities.
  • Alcohol Related Neural Developmental Disorder (ARND) is a very common type of FASD that includes functional or cognitive impairments.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Tips For Acne Free Skin

Everyone longs for a flawless, radiating skin free of acne and pimples. Acne not only ruins the look and your skin, it also makes you feel awkward and lowers your self-confidence. It is imperative for you to feel good about yourself in order to present a self-assured image to the world at large. Acne occurs when the pores in your skin get blocked with sebum, a kind of oil that greases your skin and hair. Acne is more common during
puberty years when hormones undergo several changes and become over-active. One usually finds acne on the forehead, nose and chin as these areas consist of most of the oil producing glands of your body. Before heading towards a parlor or a dermatologist, it is only prudent to find out some home remedies that are economical but also timesaving and gentler on the affected skin. Some basic changes, like switching over to a more nutritional diet or applying some herbal packs or even regulating your sleeping hours, can help you in getting an acne free skin.

Wash Your Face Regularly
It is a good habit to wash your face twice a day with a sulfur based soap especially made for acne-prone skin. It is very important to wash your face once when you first wake up in the morning and then, before you go to bed at night. Do not scrub or rub hard on your soft skin. Even avoid using any kind of rough cloth on your face or over washing your face otherwise, the sebaceous glands would start generating more sebum, thus escalating your acne problem.

Keep Your Hair Off Your Face
Many people do not realize it but long hair falling on the face also causes acnes. This is because hair consists of oils that tend to increase the problem of acne. Wash your hair regularly and keep it clean and dandruff-free. It is also advisable to pull your hair away from your face.

A Well Balanced Diet
You also need to keep your body healthy from inside, only then can you get a permanent solution for your acne problem. A well-balanced nutritional diet is a must to maintain a healthy lustrous skin. Take a diet that is rich in vitamins to supplement any sort of deficiencies in your body. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will keep your skin radiating and flawless. Vitamin A is crucial in maintaining and refurbishing the tissues which the skin and mucous membranes are made of. Vitamin A also acts as a wonderful antioxidant and flushes away all the impurities from your body.

Add Chromium In Your Food
Chromium is considered great for those who are making efforts to lose weight also. Consult your doctor and if s/he suggests, take a chromium supplement once a day to treat your pimples rapidly and keep your skin shining!

Don’t Underestimate Your Beauty Sleep
The easiest way to get an acne free skin is to sleep for 7-8 hours daily. A sound sleep cleanses your body from inside, removing the toxins and thereby, keeping your entire body system functioning well. Beauty sleep helps your skin to rejuvenate, reinstates your energy levels and enhances our immune system so that it is able to resist diseases and infections.

Apply Honey Mask
Honey works as panacea on acne as it comprises of antibacterial properties that help in purifying and curing acnes and blemishes. Honey is very soothing on sensitive skin; apply a honey mask on your face on a weekly basis for best results.

Avoid Using Makeup
Avoid using makeup as much as possible, as it comprises of chemicals that may harm your skin, increasing the problem of acne and pimples. Even if you need to apply makeup, keep it as light as possible and remove it before going to sleep with a reputed makeup remover. Harsh makeup products block the pores of your skin, augmenting acne and blackheads.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

How to Lighten Your Skin Naturally

As you grow old, freckles and dark sports may begin arising. The skin tone changes as time passes and it does not remain as light because it used to be. Constant exposure to sun may also result in a darker complexion. These undesirable changes can be quite frustrating if you are not ready to embrace them.

The good thing is that you can lighten your complexion in natural ways. Restoring natural glow of a weather-beaten skin can be done in easy ways.

Below there is also a compilation of useful natural whitening tips:

Natural Methods
Make a Natural Skin Lightening Cream

Fresh lemon juice and egg white may be used to create a natural skin lightening cream in your own home.
  • Take equal amounts of egg white and fresh lemon juice.
  • Mix these two and heat them on the small frying pan. Wait until the mix turns semi-solid.
  • Now remove the paste in the pan and keep it in the jar. Let the jar cool off in a refrigerator.
  • Apply the paste on the skin and wait until 15 minutes before rinsing.
It's very effective for removing tan. Use this cream every day before you get the desired skin tone.

Use Sunblock Regularly
Among the easiest ways to keep your skin fair and glowing is by using sunblock on a regular basis. Any moisturizer by having an SPF of 15 or above can be used a sunblock.

In the morning, wash the face and apply the moisturizer. The layer of moisturizer on the skin will protect you from sun for some time. It will prevent undesirable alterations in skin tone.

Also, sunblock prevents a number of other skin diseases caused by harmful ultraviolet rays. Dark spots are most prominent in areas around both hands. So, remember to apply sunblock regularly during these areas.

Exfoliate at Least Once per week
Get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliating at least one time a week. Exfoliation is more important in case your skin is developing brown spots, freckles and skin damages because of old age. Dead cell removal naturally lightens the skin complexion. The skin will also appear brighter while you continue with this practice for more than a month.
  • Take two tablespoons all of brown sugar and oatmeal and blend them with a quarter cup of milk.
  • Thoroughly stir the mix until you get a semi-solid paste.
  • Start scrubbing the face slowly by using this paste. Be as gentle as you possibly can. Scrubbing shouldn't result in further scare tissue.
  • When you are finished with scrubbing, rinse the face with clean water and use a moisturizer in the end.
Use Homemade Skin Lightening Mask at least one time a Week
Homemade masks are most frequently used to lighten skin naturally. Apply the mask and relax comfortably around the couch or watch TV. Using homemade mask at least one time a week will produce noticeable leads to two or three weeks.

Preparation and use of a homemade mask isn't very difficult.
  • First of all, take one tablespoon all of cucumber juice, lemon juice, tomato juice, and sandalwood paste.
  • Carefully use the paste on all areas of the face. Now you need to hold back until the paste dries in your face.
  • Rinse your face with water that is clean and apply moisture ultimately.
Regular application of a homemade mask provides you with a naturally glowing skin within Four weeks.

Use Licorice Extract
A natural skin whitening component called glabridin exists in licorice extract. You can find licorice extract at the nearby health store. Otherwise, you can search for licorice extract on some online health food stores.

In the morning and evening, wash the face and apply a thin layer of the extract. Licorice extract should be applied before you decide to moisturize the skin.

You can keep licorice fresh for a long time of time if you store it inside a cool and dark place. Many people develop allergic reactions to licorice extract.

Before you decide to apply the extract on face, use a small amount of the extract in your arm to test for the allergic attack.

Use a Natural Skin Bleaching Mask
It's very easy to make a bleaching mask in your own home.
  • Take a glass of boiling water and steep a teaspoon dried fennel inside it.
  • Wait for at least 40-60 minutes. After about 1 hour, remove all herbal stuff in the glass of water.
  • Add a tablespoon of buttermilk for this water. Directly apply the water and buttermilk mixture in your face in a gentle manner.
  • Allow the bleaching mask stay on the face for at least 15-20 minute and rinse with water that is clean.
Your skin is a part of who you are. It's one of a few things that make you unique and delightful. Take a good care of your skin by using skin lightening tips mentioned previously, hopefully you have found your preferred natural skin lightener there... and don't forget to love your skin no matter what color it's.

Lose Weight - Not too Fast!!!

One of the best things you can do for your body is to get rid of that excess body fat and lose weight. But it’s tempting to try out weight loss pills or crash diets that promise a quick fix. The truth is that the safest and most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to follow a healthy diet and exercise program. Don’t forget that it may have taken years for you to gain the weight. Why would you expect it to go away in a week? It takes work, but the rewards are well worth it. In this article, we’ll learn why it’s important to lose weight, but not too quickly.

Everyone knows that the best way to lose weight is to burn off more calories than we consume. That being said, many of us take this thinking too far and drop the amount of calories we consume drastically. This can be dangerous and can lead to long lasting health problems. We need a minimum amount of calories in order for our bodies to function properly, and if you’re exercising, you may need more calories than you think.

Here’s what happens to your body when you follow a diet that is extremely low in calories:
First, your body will use up its stores of carbohydrates, or glycogen, as well as the water that is stored with it in the liver and muscles. Once the body has used up this source of energy, it starts using the proteins that are found in the muscles, which can leave you feeling tired and irritable.

Soon, the metabolism will slow down, forcing your body into a kind of starvation mode. At this point, the body will start storing up calories because it doesn’t know when it will get more.

Even worse, when crash dieters resume their former bad eating habits, as they are often want to do, the body doesn’t know how to process this new influx of calories, and starts storing it as well, prompting weight gain.

Not every body is the same and the amount of calories you need may not be the same for other members of your family. In order to be sure you’re getting the calories you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, talk to your doctor or nutritionist.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fast Food

More than 13,000 McDonald's restaurants in the usa itself, and over 8000 KFCs in 80 countries, only would go to reflect the popularity of junk food all over the world. Food that is prepared and served quickly known as as 'fast food'. Such type of food suits perfectly in to the fast paced life of a working individual. There's nothing more than ready-made food that a hard-working professional residing in the city away from family could request. However, those who are against junk food highlight the adverse effect it has on our health.

Advantages of Junk food
The most evident advantage of junk food is that it saves time. In the current fast-paced life, there is nothing better than obtaining a ready meal. No matter how much the chefs praise the advantages of fresh food, at the end of a hard-working day, when one returns home all tired and hungry, a pizza or perhaps a burger can be godsend. Aside from the time an individual has to spend in the kitchen area, cooking a meal also requires someone to make a trip to the supermarket to purchase the ingredients for the dish. Then there's the added effort and time consumed in washing and peeling the vegetables. All of this makes eating fast food score more preferably over cooking meals for a busy individual.

Besides time, cost saving gives junk food an edge over the meal prepared in the kitchen area. If one lives alone, then it's cheaper to buy a meal in the supermarket instead of cooking it in your own home. Also certain fast foods like fries and burgers come relatively inexpensively.

Fast food does raise health issues. However, if careful, you'll find some options on the menu of the fast food restaurant that could be healthier. Salads really are a smart choice. Go for bread items that are made from wheat bread. Go for lean meat. If you could choose from the fried and boiled options, order the boiled preparation. Avoid ordering carbonic drinks when you're thirsty. Go for fruit juices, low-fat milk, diet soda. Can there be anything better than plain water to quench your thirst? Nowadays, nutrition information of the food served (and ingredients used) is displayed within the menu card. You could always lean towards the 'make to order' option that certain junk food outlets offer, where you could restrict using ingredients that are not healthy. As dessert doesn't play an important role in the junk food meal menu, you can keep yourself from delicious and tempting sugary dishes.

Disadvantages of Junk food
Usually, fast food is higher in soya, fat, sugar, oil, fried meat, salt, cheese, mayonnaise and clearly calories. The greatest disadvantage of junk food is the adverse effect it has on one's health. It's true that fast food is more unhealthy than home-cooked meals, because it contains higher amounts of unwanted nutrients like salt, fat as well as other types of additives. It might contain harmful bacteria too. Frying destroys the majority of the essential nutrients from the food. Really small amounts of vegetables and fruits are normally contained in fast food. Moreover, 'serving larger portions' when many people don't need extra portions has resulted in several health problems. We need a small amount of salt to maintain the healthiness of the cells and tissues. Junk food being rich in salt, adversely affects the center health and the overall health of the individual. Such type of food is an essential contributor to obesity in the American population. Obesity is rising, and a direct link has been cited between fast food and obesity in youngsters.

Given the sedentary lifestyle that people lead today, the excess fats and calories that people take in with fast food sits dormant up completely. The result is that these accumulate within our body as fat deposits that create complications like cardiovascular diseases and other associated diseases of the heart. With obesity come other issues like high blood pressure and diseases from the joints. It is like a chain reaction trigger by fast food and carried forward by our unhealthy lifestyle. Actually, a recent study has shown that people who live within easy reach of a fast food restaurant are in 13% higher risk of suffering from strokes compared to those who live a considerable distance away.

The higher the number of people at a meal inside a fast food restaurant, the larger may be the bill. Eating at junk food outlets is economical just for a single person. Going out to a fast food eating joint with family every now and then won't matter much. However, frequent appointments with such restaurants with one's family may become quite an expensive affair, besides being unhealthy.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Tips to Feel and Look Gorgeous Everyday

Looking gorgeous at all times is about allowing you the necessary time for pampering yourself. It is a must to spend at least half an hour for make-up, hair and everything else regarding personal appearance. Find out how you can always look gorgeous.

It is no surprise that even celebrities require touch-ups to look as great as they do, so why not make sure to look hot on a daily basis? One of the things that seems to be pretty difficult to maintain is a regular make-up routine, which every woman should allow herself time for.

As busy time schedules take every extra time one has reserved for pampering, make-up and hair becomes a 5 minute routine. The faster, the better, only this is not exactly what femininity is all about. It must be difficult to make time for everything but nothing can top the sentiment of feeling good in your own skin. How many times has it been when you just rushed out of the house and just took a quick glimpse in the mirror? It's probably been many times and it's most likely going to become a routine.

This is not something to desire. Women should maintain and emphasize their beauty because this is what makes women look and feel confident and always look gorgeous. Looking great requires time, patience and a little bit of skill. Every woman can look great, no matter the race or the age, all that is needed is a little bit of interest and ambition to emphasize all your beauty.

Here are some tips to help you look gorgeous every minute:

Arrange your schedule to allow yourself about 40 minutes to spoil yourself every day.
Learn about how to apply make-up for your face shape. It is very important to apply the eye shadow according to your eye shape, to emphasize them and conceal flaws. Make-up can be applied to conceal and emphasize certain facial features. This can make all the difference in the world when it comes to appearance even when wearing natural looking make-up.

Pay attention to your hairstyle as well. Hair plays an essential role in personal aspect, so it is important to get the right style for your face shape and hair type. Style your hair to your advantage, maintain it healthy with regular trims and try different hairstyles to be able to sport different looks with maximum styling ease.

Go for regular facials because this way you can improve or maintain a perfect looking complexion. Your skin will look and feel healthy, causing you to radiate.

Get your eyebrows done and remove any unaesthetic hair off your body. Soft baby skin looks amazing and feels as great as well.

Pay attention to your outfit as well. Try to dress age appropriate and adapt your make-up according to the outfit. Opt for a more natural look if you want a more sophisticated outfit and opt for a more powerful make-up for a simple or an evening outfit.

Don't forget to put on your favorite perfume because fragrance plays an important role in feeling good. Your favorite scent can lift your spirit and make you happier.

Choose stylish pajamas because this way you will feel and look gorgeous from the moment you wake up until you go back to sleep.

You are a woman and you should make sure you look your best every time. Beauty is what defines women, so try to allow yourself as much time as you can for pampering. Try your best and have fun with it. You will surely not regret it and everyone around you will complement you for your gorgeous looks.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Green coffee beans for Weight Loss

Green coffee bean is one of the best forms of dietary supplement that can help you get rid of all excess body fat by increasing metabolism and digestion. Safe and pure, the use of this body will reduce fat faster with you.Trying a happier and healthier to lose weight with exercises and diets alone leave much wanted. Green coffee bean is the only product that has the power to burn fat in the body to make it slim and trim. I think this is the best supplement for weight loss so far!

An effective and healthy weight loss? Obesity, the body will lower your self esteem and you feel horrible that you will see old clothes. In addition, these books boring, but they are really serious, and then you can try a product for a new extract of green coffee beans Clean, like diabetes, heart problems, strokes, and so on. Life invites many other diseases.

Some important information, a review of the product of magic products. In addition, the solution provides you with a fat, irritating, beans, according to The Wizard, there are no health benefits are numerous.

This will complement our own body weight loss and maintenance of blood sugar and weight gain delivery where applicable. This formula increase metabolism and burn calories. This delicious coffee grain loss goals, caffeine and weight can help. Green coffee bean … some natural, safety measures, not the drug is.

This product contains no hazardous loads and contains natural antioxidants. Free-body protection is dangerous, and provides a healthy lean body. Now, the benefits of coffee, beans, and health is a wonderful light.

The output of the best advantages of this product.
An easy and cheap to get a lean body
The natural ingredients and is safe for your health
It is dangerous for the body to release
If there are no harmful fillers
, This metabolic process is reinforced
The bad cholesterol is low delay
Weak immune system, stimulates
We provide amazing results in weight loss
No more counting calories
It is based on a safe drug free sutrikaranavannu