Raise your hand if you over-indulged this Christmas. We’re immediately with you. All the holiday ham, turkey, stuffing, casseroles, cookies and pies-not to say wine and cocktails-has left us feeling bloated
and sluggish. The good thing is that you can use the very thing that got you feeling that way-food-to detox the body. No silly starvation or juice-only diets needed. Listed here are ten of the best foods to cleanse your colon and vital organs, ramp up your digestive tract and remove toxins out of your body:
These dark red rooted veggies are chock-full of vitamins B3, B6, C and beta-carotene, iron, fiber, magnesium, zinc and calcium-all the required components for healthy detoxification and colon/digestive tract cleansing. Beets also support a healthy body of our gallbladder and liver-two organs which are important breaking down and removing toxins within our body.
This green veggie contains important phytochemicals which are released when they’re chewed, cooked and digested, which help in digestion and detoxification. If you would like the most detox bang for your buck, go for broccoli sprouts because they contain 20 times more sulfurophane than regular broccoli.
Then add to a glass of water very first thing in the morning and it will stimulate the discharge of enzymes that can cleanse the digestive tract, rid the body of poisons and cleanse the liver.
Everyone knows that virtually anything green will work for us, but seaweed, in particular, contains powerful antioxidants which help to alkalize the blood and strengthen this enzymatic tract.
Since fruit contains a lot water, it makes a perfectly natural cleansing food. Plus, they're easy to digest, high in antioxidants, nutrients and fiber-all things required for optimal detoxification of the intestines.
It might be strong, but with good reason. Garlic is really a powerful antiviral, antiseptic and antibiotic-all which help rid your body of toxins. You don't need to eat it raw-just toss some inside your food and you can reap the detox benefits.
There is little get your digestive tract moving like leafy greens. Veggies like kale, spinach and collard greens contain chlorophyll that will boost your digestive tract to eliminate toxins.
Green tea extract:
Not only is it soothing to a trapped wind, but green tea eliminates toxins and boost liver function using its antioxidants called catechins.
Omega-3 Foods:
Such things as avocado, olive oil and flaxseed oil can literally grease in the intestinal walls, making elimination easier.
Drink numerous of water throughout the day to aid in digestion and elimination.
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