Contrary to what many people may believe, eating healthy when pregnant can be a difficult task. At a time when cravings and food aversions abound, pregnant women often follow their taste buds instead of their logic when it comes to eating. However, providing the baby with adequate nutrition is a crucial part of a
healthy pregnancy. What's a pregnant woman to do? Luckily, there are some simple things that can be done to easily improve a pregnant woman's diet.
1.Start keeping track of the food being consumed. Look at the overall caloric intake, but also the nutritional content. Things like calories, protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber, fat, and sugar should be examined.
2. Get information on recommended nutritional guidelines during pregnancy.
3. Compare the diet of pregnant woman to the recommended nutritional guidelines for pregnant women.
4. Figure out the biggest problem area. Is she eating too much food? Not enough? Getting too much fat or not enough calcium? Tackling the biggest issue first will make the greatest impact.
5. Find acceptable alternatives to the unhealthy foods she craves. For example, if she is craving a chocolate candy bar, see if a glass of low-fat chocolate milk may satisfy her cravings instead.
6. Try replacing high-calorie drinks with water or milk. The water will keep her hydrated and eliminate unnecessary calories, while the milk will provide a good source of calcium and protein.
7. Make up baggies of snack food she can take with her on the go. Being able to munch on healthy food all day long will not only keep her feeling full, but may help with morning sickness as well.
8. Find a variety of healthy food she enjoys and keep them easily accessible for her. Sometimes it's easier to eat unhealthy foods because of the convenience factor, so make sure that it not going to happen with her.
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