Wednesday 25 September 2013

Benefits Of Lemon Juice For Hair Lightening

Lemon juice has a variety of uses for hair care, but its main properties in hair treatment are hair lightening and fighting dandruff. Hair is one of the main components of female beauty, so hair problems such as dandruff, are not only harmful for the hair but also compromise its attractive appearance. The use of the lemon juice can fight dandruff and maintain the beauty of the hair.

Lemon juice for hair lightening

  • Lemon juice is a great alternative to commercial chemical-based hair lightening products. Furthermore, having your hair lighten at a salon can be pretty pricey. Plus, hair lightening with lemon juice will not cause any side effects and is much cheaper.
  • Lemon juice provides a natural acidic rinse, and helps to achieve the perfect shiny and shimmery look you crave for. You can simply rinse your hair with lemon juice diluted with a cup water. Another alternative is to prepare a mixture containing equal amounts of lemon juice and any conditioner that suits your hair type.
  • To begin the process, divide the hair into separate strands. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice on the strands that you would like to lighten. You can use the hair brush to make the application easier. Start from the hair roots and gradually move down.
  • Fort best results, add a little salt into the lemon juice, stir well and then apply to your hair. Salt helps with better absorption. If you want to lighten the entire head of hair, apply the lemon juice to the scalp and then comb the hair. After applying the lemon juice, you can sit in the sun to make the effect even stronger. Once the lemon juice dries completely, wash the hair with warm water. The results from this procedure can excellent.
  • Do not use lemon juice for hair lightening too often, as it can make the hair brittle. Lemon juice is one of the best methods for dark hair lightening and is a great way to lighten your hair naturally. Lightening can give your hair a very stylish look; additionally, it can help hide gray hair.

Monday 16 September 2013

Easy Ways To Detox Your Body Fast

Detoxing can be fantastic, it can help you loose weight, gain more energy, improve headaches, clear up your skin & get rid of that sluggish feeling. You will feel healthier, lighter and look fab. So here are ten ways to help your body remove the toxins that have built up through poor diet.

Tips To Detoxify Your Body:

Drink lemon or lime water:
Kick-start the detoxing process first thing in the morning by drinking a cup of purified water with fresh-squeezed lime or lemon juice. In the winter, heat the water first and add a little cayenne at the end for a warming boost. Trust me, it’ll wake you up better than coffee! Add a probiotic power, some liquid minerals, a little aloe vera juice, and my B-12 vitamin to my morning lemon water drink.

Drink fresh juice or a smoothie:
Try to drink your juice or smoothie on an empty stomach, which allows your body to absorb the nutrients faster. There are a ton of juice and smoothie options available. Those that make use of greens, cucumber, papaya, grapefruit (and other citrus), strawberry, and mint offer added detoxing power.

Exercise promotes the detoxification process giving all systems of the body a boost. As you exercise, the blood circulates throughout the body, bringing nutrients to all the organs and muscles. As you do aerobic exercise you build up a sweat and toxins are released through the pores of the skin. It’s important to rinse off after heavy sweating to help rid the body of those toxins.

Citrus Fruit:
In particular, things like oranges, lemons, and limes aid the body in flushing out toxins and jump starting the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. Lemon juice aids the liver in its cleansing processes. Try starting each morning with a warm glass of lemon water.

Eat a Plant Based Diet:
Eliminate completely, or cut way down, on meat and dairy. Give up processed foods, fast foods, and refined foods like white sugar, white pasta, and white flour. Eat whole organic fruits, veggies, legumes, and gluten-free grains.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Ways To Get Rid of Wrinkles fast

Many women are looking for ways to get rid of wrinkles on the face. Wrinkles on the face is a symptom of aging which is very disturbing appearance. Many ways you can do to get a clean skin, free of wrinkles and blemishes. However you should be careful to choose which way you want to use. Because if you choose the wrong skin care, your face instead become damaged. Better you choose treatment as natural as possible.

Beauty Tips:

Healthy lifestyle:
Healthy living is highly recommended for everyone. Try to get used to living a healthy life so that your wrinkles can be minimized and eliminated. A balanced diet is the key to make your skin look healthy and fresh. Vitamin A, C, E and K, also helps make skin glow.

Stop Smoking:
It's been proven that smoking is hazardous to health for both active smokers and passive smokers. Do not miss apparently wrinkles can also be caused by smoking activity. Avoid environments that are susceptible to smoke a cigarette.

Getting Enough Sleep:
Quality sleep is when the evening. This can reduce the wrinkles on your face!

Avoid Stress:
Stress is very harmful, and of course can lead to the emergence of wrinkles. Avoid stress wrinkles on your face that does not appear or can be eliminated.

Use Sunscreen:
Sunlight is the number one cause of wrinkles. If you had to travel under the sun, do not forget to use sunscreen cream, in addition to reducing wrinkles will also avoid skin cancer.

Sleep on Their Backs:
If you sleep on his side, it will cause wrinkles in the cheeks and chin. Traces wrinkles may not disappear, and will eventually make the impression of permanent wrinkles on the face.

Expand Eat fish, especially salmon:
Consumption of fish that contain high protein and omega-3 will help to nourish the skin and keep it supple and youthful, and of course, help reduce wrinkles.

Expand eat soybeans:
Soy helps protect or hinder dangers of the sun. Supplements are made ​​from soy beans can also improve skin structure and strength after usage for six months.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Best Yoga Exercise for Rapid Weight Loss

Yoga is a good exercising technique that may be employed to increase the body’s flexibility and also to reduce weight . Yoga easy to do exercise to achieve control of the fat in the body. You can use it for an efficient weight loss. Yoga and fitness can be used for reduced the weight effective. The yoga poses require a shorter period and can easily practiced at home, to saving lots of your time.There are three reason you should use yoga for weight loss.

Weight Loss Yoga:

Stand together with your feet hip-width apart. Lace your fingers behind you (palms facing up). Inhaling, bend out of your upper back, lift your chest, and press shoulders down.

Forward Bend
Soften the knees and bend forward while you exhale, letting your torso hang before your thighs. Keeping your arms straight and fingers locked together, lift them up and also over your head (ultimately reaching toward the ground in front of your feet).

Inhale and bend the knees into a squat. Unlock and straighten your fingers, then separate your arms. Whenever your thighs are nearly parallel towards the floor, move your arms toward your ears. Keep the weight on your heels. Inhale, fully stand up, and lower your arms for your sides.

Inhale while you shift forward into the surface of a push up position together with your arms straight. Exhale, bend your elbows (have them pointing back and hugging the body), and lower your body until your chest is on the floor.

Uncurl your toes so the tops of the feet are touching the floor and press your tailbone down. Hug your elbows in while you inhale, straighten your arms (have a slight bend), and raise your chest off the ground. Exhale while you gently release your body to the ground. Inhale, curl your toes under, and press your hips up and back to downward-facing dog. Exhale.

Friday 6 September 2013

Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat Dark Circles

Ayurveda has long lasting and a extremely effective affect on reducing the appearance of under eye circles.Dark circles can be treated by making slight alternation in your diet.Dark circles are normally brought on by lack of enough sleep,aging, contact with sun or allergy. Ayurvedic method to treat dark circles include two methods- body detoxification and skin rejuvenation.

Ayurvedic remedies to deal with dark circles:

  • Include fresh fruits and leafy green vegetables in your diet daily.Avoid consumption of excess of chocolates and sugar.
  • Mix coconut oil and almond oil in equal proportion and put it on on the affected area for at least Twenty minutes.
  • Prepare a mixture of mint leaves,fresh lemon juice, tomato and salt.Apply it daily on under eye circles under your eye.This remedy works in the root to treat the problem of under eye circles.
  • Grind 4 almonds and soak them in raw milk, leave the mix overnight.Apply this mixture around the affected area daily.It will give you good results within 7 days.
  • Add cow’s milk, goat’s mil, butter, yogurt, fenugreek in what you eat.It strengthens your eye muscles and lower dark circles.
  • Fish oil should also be as part of your diet to treat dark circles.
  • The skinny layers which is formed at first glance of the milk when heated may be used to treat dark circles.Take out that layer and put it on on your face before going to bed during the night.On the next morning clean the face with hot and cold water alternatively.
  • Prepare the paste of turmeric, add few drops of linseed oil and apply it on the affected area.After half an hour wash it using green gram powder.It lightens the appearance of dark circles. 
  • Apply green tea mask under your eyes, it lightens the affect of dark circles and also never let them appear again 
  • Apply aloe vera gel under your eyes.Also, you can mix Vitamin E capsules to the aloe vera gel.It speeds up the treatment and help you getting rid of dark circles in very less time. 
  • A good night sleep is also very necessary to treat dark circle problem.Also exercise regularly.Do yoga and pranayam to keep your body and mind fit and healthy.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Best Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Loss Treatment

The problem of hair fall has additionally started affecting small children too. There are many kinds of allopathic medicines in addition to homeopathic treatments for hair loss however the point is in identifying what fits you. For treating hair loss, a doctor must determine the exact cause before beginning any therapy. This is because problems associated with hair generally vary from individual to individual and whatever suits one individual may not work for another.

Ayurvedic Remedies:

  • Try taking some dry gooseberry chops and boil them in coconut oil. Massaging your scalp and hair with this particular oil can strengthen your hair.
  • Wash your hair once in each and every three days to keep it clean. Avoid applying shampoo in each and every wash if you have dry hair; just rinse hair with water. Massage damp scalp together with your fingertips and feel the warmth. It'll improve circulation by stimulating the glands.
  • Rinse hair with decoction made of neem leaves. It may show remarkable effects on hair thinning. It is an ayurvedic treatment which makes your hair black and shiny. This also prevents infection on scalp and hair.
  • Prepare oil by mixing mustard oil and henna leaves. Take mustard oil and henna leaves in 4:1 proportion. Boil the oil up until the henna leaves are dark and burnt. Massage hair with this particular regularly to prevent hair loss.
  • Fenugreeks provide hair care qualities. Soak them and grind, use the paste on hair and wash off after 30 minutes to treat hair loss.
  • Make a paste using 2 egg yolks and a pair of tablespoon honey. Apply this mix on scalp and gently massage. Wash it of after Half an hour.
  • Take gooseberry, reetha and shikhakai in equal quantities and boil them in pure water. Boil before the mixture reduces into half the amount. This homemade shampoo can be used an ayurvedic treatment for hair loss.